online spanish language course with Native Tutors

Fluency in Spanish language speaking made easy!
Private Spanish tutors
DELE preparation course online
Study Spanish online with expert native tutors
All levels of Spanish

Success guaranteed

How does the Flow flexible Spanish course work?

Course in spanish language - online

Private Live Classes

You’ll work directly with a native Spanish-speaking tutor in real-time, ensuring personalized feedback and a customized learning experience

spanish language learning for beginners

Speak fluently at your own pace

Whether you are at the A2 level of Spanish or just starting out, Flow helps you progress smoothly without pressure, allowing for steady growth in Spanish language learning

spanish classes live

Flexible schedules

With Flow, you can choose when to have your classes, you will have total freedom to choose the days and times for your Spanish lessons.

Why choose Flow for an online Spanish language course?

Here’s why Flow is the perfect choice for those who want to master Spanish at their own pace

Tailored Learning

Our one-on-one classes allow your Spanish language speaking skills to develop at your pace. Whether you need to focus on conversation, grammar, or writing, our native tutors personalize every session.

online private Spanish lessons with native tutors
Native Spanish teachers in Bolivia teaching foreign students

Affordable Packages

Flow offers flexibility in pricing with discounted packages, ensuring that the more you learn, the more you save

Consistent Progress

Unlike intensive courses that can feel overwhelming, Flow allows you to study Spanish consistently and effectively over time

Basic Spanish course for beginners
tutor in spanish online

Personalized and Relaxed Learning

Flow is designed to keep you engaged without the pressure of rushing through material. Our tutors work with you to create a comfortable, relaxing environment, where you can focus on improving your Spanish language speaking skills at a natural rhythm.

How to get started with the Flow course

Step 1

Fill in your personal data

Complete this first step of the form by providing all the information requested.

Registration form for online Spanish classes

Step 2

Scheduling the class timetable

Choose the intensity of your course and plan the days and times that best suit your availability for classes.

Personalized online Spanish classes

Step 3

Start your path to fluency in Spanish

After confirming your subscription, you will receive all the material you need to start your classes immediately.

Learn spanish fast online and live with native teachers
Study spanish online at your own pace

Ready to join Flow?

Enroll today in our intensive Spanish Language courses and master a level of Spanish in just 2 or 3 months.

Need to learn spanish fast?

Check out our BOOST intensive course to learn Spanish in record time, or discover how you can fully customize your classes at ADAPT.


Learn Spanish quickly with personalized classes, tailored to your needs.

Live private lessons with native teacher.
Frequency: 32 to 48 lessons per month
Estimated time to complete 100% of a Spanish level (Example: A1.1, A1.2, A2 level spanish) from 2 to 3 months.


You control when and how often you study Spanish online. Total flexibility !

Completely customizable schedule
Frequency: 5 to 48 lessons per month.
You decide how much time you want to master a level of the Spanish language.

Meet our native Spanish teachers

Learn Spanish fast with private tutors and personalized classes.

Qualified native Spanish tutor, with more than 10 years of experience teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Academic director of the school “linguaviva” Bolivia.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish tutor, with more than 5 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish tutor, with more than 4 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish tutor with more than 8 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English, French and Spanish.
Native Spanish teacher, qualified and experienced in teaching foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish teacher, with more than 10 years of experience teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Academic director of the school “linguaviva” Bolivia.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish teacher with more than 5 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish teacher, with more than 4 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.
Qualified native Spanish teacher with more than 8 years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students.
Languages spoken: English, French and Spanish.
Native Spanish teacher, qualified and experienced in teaching foreign students.
Languages spoken: English and Spanish.

Ready to get started? Enroll now and take your Spanish to the next level!

Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)

Learn spanish fast online and live with native teachers